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Comprehensive Guide to Unfair Dismissal:

A worker’s dismissal for alleged misconduct may be unfair if the employer didn’t comply with good industrial relations practice.

Comprehensive Guide to Unfair Dismissal:
Constructive Dismissal

Constructive dismissal may occur when an employer breaches the employment contract or makes a unilateral alteration to the contract (or declares his intention to do so), and the employee leaves as a result. Constructive dismissal is not automatically an unfair dismissal, but in most cases it may be unfair, and the employee may be entitled to compensation.

Comprehensive Guide to Unfair Dismissal:
Fixed-Term Contract

If a worker is employed under a” fixed-term” contract, and the employer allows the contract to expire and terminates the worker, that may amount to an unfair dismissal.

Comprehensive Guide to Unfair Dismissal:

If a worker is dismissed because his illness/injury has caused him to be absent from work and the proper process is not followed, that dismissal may be deemed unfair.

Comprehensive Guide to Unfair Dismissal:
Job Abandonment

If a worker is accused of abandoning his job, but the employer fails to follow the proper process, the court may find that the worker was actually unfairly dismissed.

Comprehensive Guide to Unfair Dismissal:
No Reason/No Legitimate Reason

If a worker is dismissed for no reason/no legitimate reason, or without being informed of the reason, that dismissal may be unfair.

Comprehensive Guide to Unfair Dismissal:
Poor Performance/Incapability

If a worker is dismissed for alleged poor performance/incapability (i.e. failing to meet goals/targets or not fulfilling responsibilities as expected) and the proper process is not followed, that dismissal may be deemed unfair.

Comprehensive Guide to Unfair Dismissal:

If a worker is allegedly retrenched but the employer did the follow the proper procedure, the Court may find that the worker was actually unfairly dismissed.

Comprehensive Guide to Unfair Dismissal: Probation

If a worker is dismissed during or at the end of his probation, but the employer failed to follow the proper process, the dismissal may be unfair.

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