We envision a Trinidad & Tobago where workers are treated fairly & feel fulfilled in their jobs, and companies have strong teams that help them achieve their goals & positively impact the country.
Our Vision
A message from our founder.
I am Akiri Heath-Adams, attorney-at-law and founder of Heath-Adams & Co. I was called to the legal bar of Trinidad and Tobago in 2018. I am an advocate attorney and an Industrial Relations consultant. I have acquired a relatively wide range of experience in Employment Law and Industrial Relations as I have represented Trade Unions and workers, at various levels, and worked with multiple companies in different sectors- including manufacturing, insurance, security, education, technology, consumer goods, etc. I also received a Professional Certificate in Industrial Relations from Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business. I am also the founder of Heath-Adams Leadership and co-founder of T. Garcia Education. I am deeply passionate about both employment law and entrepreneurship. That’s why I am equally invested in protecting workers from unfair dismissal and helping businesses to grow & achieve their visions. I have firsthand experience as worker, attorney, business owner & leader. I have a diverse background and it helps me to have a balanced approach in dealing with employment law & industrial relations issues.